ROCK THE HILL 2011 – Looking for 50/50 winner!

Halifax, NS – During the Rock the Hill 2011 event held on the Halifax Garrison Grounds on July 14th, the winning 50/50 draw ticket number was not announced and they are looking for a winner.

“During our Rock the Hill 2011 event we were unable to announce the Shriners 50/50 draw winning number due to a show production timing glitch” said Michele MacKay. “We regret this very much as the Shriners work very hard on this fund raiser and they are always pleased to present the prize amount to a lucky winner. Through this release we are asking all media to please assist us in finding the winner”.


Winning 50/50 Ticket # from the Metallica Concert, Halifax July 14, 2011 is 4109773 and the amount is $4,149.00

The winner should contact:

Philae Shriners

Thanks for your help!

Posted by Cole McLean

Cole is the founder of Atlantic Canada Rocks, launching the community nearly a decade ago. Cole listens to many types of music daily, from Bruce Springsteen to Katy Perry to Metallica. In his time at ACR, Cole has covered dozens of shows and interviewed several artists from Joe Satriani to Mariana’s Trench.