REVIEW: Tragically Hip, The Trews Tim Chaisson Morning Fold at Charlottetown SummerFest, June 30th 2011.

HIP! HIP! HIP! the fans were screaming as they entered festival grounds at approximately 5:45pm running for front row. As the clock began to tick, music lovers were getting their ice cold bottled water and making sure they had first pick at the merchandise table for the all important rock swag.

At about 6pm, Tim Chaisson and Morning Fold took the stage for the crowd of a few hundred. I must say that I was extremely impressed by the short set they gave to us. For the half hour they graced the stage, they showed us how you can take an electric guitar, some fiddle and a banjo and make great rock music with a little hint of Scottish sound.

By the time the first act exited the stage, fans started to venture from vendor village into the park to hear the sounds of Nova Scotia’s The Trews, who began their set 15 minutes early at exactly 7pm, opening up with new track “The World I Know” followed by an old favorite ” Not Ready to Go”. The band proceeded to play for the next hour showcasing hits such as “Tired of Waiting”, “Poor Ol’ Broken Hearted Me”, “Highway of Heroes”, “I can’t Stop Laughing” and “Hold Me in Your Arms”.

Finally, by 8pm, the band exited the stage, by this time, the crowd on the grass reached thousands. Many fans took a walk to get some final food and beer prior to THE HIP taking the stage.

By 8:30, everyone wa gathered in the grass shouting “HIP! HIP! HIP!” and ” We love Gord”, among other things.

By 8:45, Gord Downie, Gord Sinclair, Rob Baker, Paul Langlois and Johnny Fay took the stage to take Islanders through a musical journey stretching from the late 80s up to the present day. The boys began the set by playing “Grace, too” from their 1994 record, “Day for Night” to loud applause from the crowd.

As Gord Downie continued to play with his mic stand and dance around the stage, we were taken through hits such as “Blow at High Dough”, “Ahead By a Century”, “Nautical Disaster”, “In View”, “Bobcaygeon”, “Music @ Work”, and “Little Bones”.

An interesting part of Hip shows in between albums is that you will often hear new material performed live. Just that happened last night as we were treated to songs entitled “Streets Ahead”, “Drip, Drip” and “Transformation”. After hearing these tunes, it becomes apparent that despite putting so much creative energy into previous works, the band can still make great music that impresses even the most die-hard fans like myself.

Hip fans always look forward to their shows that surround Canada Day. The Hip aren’t just considered as a band from Canada, but a “Great Canadian Band” by fans. Music lovers consider the guys to be a major asset to celebration of what our country is all about.

There was a point in the show when Downie went as far as to say “The night before Canada Day is almost exactly the same as the real thing” ( or something along those lines). He jokingly asked the crowd not to quote him on that one!

All in all, the entire day, start to finish was one of the best SummerFest shows I have ever seen and I look forward to the rest of the weekend.

Eddie Money and special guests Charlie A’Court and Nudie and The Turks will take the stage tonight with tickets costing $39. Tickets can be picked up on Will Call or be purchased at the TicketPro tent at the main gate.

Meat Loaf and Haywire will close out the festival on July 2nd.

Posted by Cole McLean

Cole is the founder of Atlantic Canada Rocks, launching the community nearly a decade ago. Cole listens to many types of music daily, from Bruce Springsteen to Katy Perry to Metallica. In his time at ACR, Cole has covered dozens of shows and interviewed several artists from Joe Satriani to Mariana’s Trench.