A Conversation with Cory Marks

I had the absolute pleasure of getting to chat with Cory Marks a few weeks ago about a plethora of topics – he has so much going on lately!

We spoke his latest collaboration with the Detroit-based rock band, Eva Under Fire on their track “Unstoppable” being release today (August 4th). We also talked about his latest single “Snowbirds,” both written in English and French!

We also talked at length about his latest EP, “I Rise,”  and in particular, his track, “Hold On.” This track is so special, and so powerful and encouraging. Even as we spoke about the track, you could clearly hear the strong emotions coming out in my voice in how this track affected me personally.

By the end of the interview we’d shared some  war stories that really made us friends by the end of the interview, which rarely happens to me. It was such a fun conversation, and I was so grateful to have made that connection.

Speaking of, we also fangirled at length about Rush, and Bryan Adams to the point of testing each other’s knowledge and Killed it!

Check out “Unstoppable” with Eva Under Fire NOW!

Big thanks to Jim Cressman at Invicus Entertainment Group, and Paul Cormack at Better Noise Music!

**CORRECTION** – Rush’s song “Entre Nous” is NOT on the Hemisphere’s album, but on their album, “Permanent Waves.”

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