An Interview With Michelle Wright

Hello ACR Readers!
Sarah MacDonald here! I have a real treat for our country music fans this week! In light of Lotto Max presents Cavendish Beach Music Festival, I was lucky enough to line up some interview with some of the headliners that will be performing on the main stage that weekend! I had the pleasure of sitting down with Michelle Wright and here is what she had to say!

SM: It’s an absolute pleasure to get to sit down with you! You’ve been such an influence to so many artists today. I would love to know who inspires you!
MW: I am influenced a lot by Anne Murray actually! I love her work. I also love the sounds of Motown.

SM: Today’s singers seem to be heard instantly. With YouTube these days, artists are able to become famous a lot faster and not necessarily have to “Pay dues”. DO you find this to be an advantage to them, or a disadvantage?
MW: I think It’s all good, really. There are pros and cons to everything, really. There are so many talented artists that have come about and are so successful. I think the true test will be the test of time. It will be interesting to see that the future holds.

SM: When doing some research for this interview, I came to know that you were originally a drummer starting out! One woman that stands out in my mind in that right is Karen Carpenter. Would you have considered her a major influence as well?
MW: Absolutely. She and I have very similar voices. I even find myself sounding a lot like her when I sing. She is most definitely a huge influence in my career.

SM: When you first started out in this business, did you have any idea that you would go as far as you have in your career?
MW: I always hoped I would. When I first started, I was certainly naïve enough to believe I could. I have always been one to dream without boundaries.

SM: “He would be 16” is a personal favorite of mine, as well as many of your fans. When Jill Colucci, Charlie Black and Austin Roberts wrote that song, did they have you in mind to sing it, originally?
MW: No. I actually did not want to record the song at all originally. I had never been a mother or had given birth, so I really didn’t know the experience. But, after giving it some thought I felt like the message of this song needed to be heard.

SM: You’ve been doing this a long time now, and it seems like you voice has stayed perfect and flawless! How do you maintain it?
MW” I do not smoke, that would be the big thing.

SM: You’ve worked with so many amazing artists over your career. Is there anyone in particular that you would love to work with?
MW: I would LOVE to sing a duet with Keith Urban! Also, Garth Brooks and Merle Haggard!

SM: This performance marks a first for you at the Cavendish Beach Music Festival! How has your experience been while in this province?
MW: I love PEI! We actually stayed here a few days! We did some press and acoustic shows and I actually got to spend some time with Nichola Goddard’s amazing family while here, as well. That was truly amazing!

** Nichola Goddard was the first female Canadian soldier killed in combat and the 16th Canadian soldier killed in Canadian operation in Afghanistan.

Check out Michelle’s new album, “Strong” released in Canada on July 9th!Mic

Posted by Sarah MacDonald

Sarah MacDonald is Atlantic Canada Rock's Managing Editor and Senior Reporter, based in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Since her inception into Atlantic Canada Rocks in October 2012, she has helped in the organization of various campaigns to bring artists to Atlantic Canada, most notably our "Rush the Hill" campaign which was successful in bringing Rush to Atlantic Canada in 2013. Sarah has also taken it upon herself to learn the ropes and ways of media life by keeping in contact with various promoters, tour and artist managers as well as public relations representatives to ensure all ACR readers get the correct and most accurate news and updates on all artists that visit Atlantic Canada. With that, she's garnered a very positive reputation among industry colleagues which have lead her to interview and review some of the best artists in the business today!